Prima recenzie in limba romana… a cartii mele in limba engleza. How to Reach Your Writing Goals like a Pro. 🙂 Multumesc, echipei “Delicatese Literare“! 🙏
Extras din recenzie:
“În concluzie, cartea reprezintă un ghid universal pentru cei care doresc să publice, nefiind adresat anume cititorului român, ci oricui are respectivul scop, drept dovadă alegerea de a scrie în limba engleză și folosirea mijloacelor moderne ale zilelor noastre, care fac mult mai la îndemână reușita unui astfel de demers.
Rezultatul? În ceea ce mă privește, mi-a stârnit interesul de a citi cartea la care face adeseori referire ca exemplu, semnată tot de autoare – ‘Feng Shui for Writers’.”
Te invit sa citesti textul integral al recenziei pe site-ul Delicatese Literare.
Te invit sa afli si mai multe detalii despre carte, in site-ul Editurii Quarto.
HOW TO REACH YOUR WRITING GOALS LIKE A PRO is your Step by Step Guide for becoming a Self-Published Author.
This book provides all the proven steps that you need to plan your success and see your writing goals fulfilled. It will not only help with your writing goals but if you adapt the procedures described within this book to all your life goals, you will soon become a Master of your own life.
Addresses those who feel that writing is their calling but still don’t have the confidence to do it.
Shows you how to find your answers to: who, what, when, why, and how?
Gives you the boost to overcome all your worries and finally start what should have already been started.
Proves to you that the road you wish to step onto is not as hard as you may think, or as difficult as others have convinced you of being.
Shows you how by following a good plan, you will finally see your book published from ground zero. Meanwhile, you will learn to enjoy each accomplished phase. And most of all… you will learn to relax while you are working for your goals.
Postarea Prima recenzie in limba romana… a cartii mele in limba engleza apare in categoria Recomandari pentru scriitori.